For Lovers of Meditation

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A great way to enhance your guided meditation is to create a relaxing atmosphere in the place where you intend to listen to it. Light a candle or three . . . burn a little incense . . . play some meditation music . . . dim the lights. Goodness, I’m starting to feel relaxed just writing about it!

We hope you enjoy your free download!

Designing A Meditation Room - eBook

Designing A Meditation Room
By Dr. Christopher Lloyd Clarke B.Sc, D.Msc
© 2011 

Designing a meditation room can be an incredibly enjoyable and satisfying process. If you are fortunate enough to have a space that you can dedicate to the practice of meditation, then this free e-book will help you to create your own special sanctuary.

Click here to download a free copy of our 'Designing a Meditation Room' eBook...

About this e-book

If you are lucky enough to have a space in your home that you can dedicate purely to the practice of meditation, then this e-book will help you to create your very own special sanctuary.

Even if you don't have an entire room that you can put aside for meditation, the advice in this e-book will give you some interesting ideas about how you can improve the atmosphere in your home to make it more comfortable and relaxing.

We hope you enjoy it! Happy meditating!

Meditation Music

Meditation Music

Relax and get in touch with the stillness within...

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